pokemon go

  • 网络精灵宝可梦Go;口袋妖怪Go
pokemon gopokemon go
  1. On the heels of Pokemon Go fever , Legendary1 has closed a deal for the film rights for the iconic Japanese property .


  2. Pokemon Go has become a summer phenomenon .


  3. The wildly popular Pokemon Go was released in Japan on Friday .


  4. Solberg 's love of Pokemon Go isn 't exactly a state secret .


  5. Pokemon GO was developed by American mobile game developer Niantic Labs , an offshoot of Google .


  6. Pokemon Go requires users to try to catch on-screen characters like Pikachu using their real-world locations .


  7. China will not approve augmented reality ( AR ) games similar to Pokemon Go , a wildly popular foreign game .


  8. The US Holocaust Memorial Museum has asked people not to play Pokemon Go on their phones during their visit .


  9. In the few short weeks that it has been available around the world , Pokemon Go has invaded countless aspects of popular culture .


  10. The University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust agreed last week that patients can play Pokemon Go on wards because walking around is healthy .


  11. Pokemon Go 's US developer , Niantic , considers requests for exclusions , but does not automatically grant them .


  12. Pokemon Go is an augmented reality game on smartphones which has millions of people worldwide obsessively capturing small creatures in public spaces .


  13. A number of locations , such as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Japan have asked to be removed from Pokemon Go .


  14. Damien Bence , of the fire and rescue team , said : ' Pokemon Go is obviously leading people into dangerous situations . "


  15. Last week a group of teenagers in Wiltshire were left stranded almost 100ft underground after they got carried away searching for Pokemon Go characters .


  16. Her decision to play Pokemon Go during a debate might seem rude , but it seems the game 's popularity crosses some Norwegian political lines .


  17. A hospital has been forced to ban Pokemon Go players from the site after a monster hub was found in the A & E department .


  18. Unlike past app-based games , Pokemon Go is being credited with coaxing kids and adults to exercise by having to walk to play .


  19. BBC News - Shares in Japanese gaming company Nintendo jumped by nearly a quarter on Monday following the success of its new Pokemon Go smartphone game .


  20. There is also a question as to how much profit Nintendo will actually receive from Pokemon Go given it was not the main developer of the augmented reality game .


  21. Grande was caught on camera playing Pokemon Go herself during an August meeting of the Norwegian Parliament 's Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense .


  22. Two men suffered moderate injuries when they tumbled off a seaside cliff north of San Diego while reportedly playing Pokemon Go , fire officials said last Thursday .


  23. The rally in Nintendo 's shares since the debut of Pokemon Go on 6 July has added more than $ 7bn to the company 's market value .


  24. Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg was caught playing Pokemon Go while her liberal counterpart Trine Skei Grande was speaking in Parliament .


  25. A Japanese tombstone company is using the augmented reality technology made popular by Pokemon Go to allow mourners to catch pre-recorded video messages from their deceased loved ones in cemeteries .


  26. One user believes the phone should include a " desktop mode " that turns it into a rudimentary PC , while another says ZTE should build a phone dedicated entirely to Pokemon Go .


  27. Royal Stoke University Hospital discovered that its casualty unit is on the same spot as a Pokemon Go ' gym " - where players can train their newly caught Nintendo creatures .


  28. Three students were also robbed of their phones as they played Pokemon GO in Manchester , after the suspects used a ' beacon " to encourage other players to head to a specific venue .


  29. It said if Pokemon Go becomes a major nuisance it would ask Nintendo - which decides on the locations of the virtual gyms according using GPS - to have it removed from the premises .


  30. In January this year , at the very start of Q1 , the Financial Times reported that Honor of Kings had 50 million DAUs - more than Pokemon Go at its peak .
